We are a small museum affiliated to the Association of Independent Museums and run entirely by volunteers.
We have to raise all the funds to keep the museum going and put on regular exhibitions - these ongoing costs are £8000 to £10000 each year. While our plan is to raise enough to move to larger premises, where we can fully do justice to the fascinating history of this lovely area, our current challenge is to raise sufficient to cover our running costs. There are various means by which you can donate and help run and maintain our Museum.
Options to donate:
In person at the museum, either with cash or via our goodbox.
By direct transfer, please contact us for our bank details at contact@marlowmuseum.org
A legacy can make an enormous difference to the museum and ensure that the benefits endure long after your passing. if you are considering leaving a gift in your will, click here for further information.
Go to our just giving page Marlow Museum Centre Project - JustGiving
Donating objects: if you have an artefact from the marlow area that you would like us to have, please come and visit us with it. we will try to research it, if required and may accept it. a receipt will be provided
Shop online & help the museum please support us by registering as a marlow museum supporter on www.easyfundraising.com it’s free to register and won’t cost you anything to claim a donation for us each time you shop online at your favourite stores.
If you use www.smile.amazon.co.uk instead of just amazon, they will donate a small amount to your chosen charity each time you buy.
Raise money for us by entering the buckinghamshire lottery – we receive 50% of the value of the tickets sold from our bucks lottery page. click for more information and to buy tickets.
Legacy Donations
You Can Make a Real Difference
A gift to Marlow Museum in your will can enable you to make a difference to Marlow history and heritage after you’ve gone and enhance our offering and safeguard local history for many generations to come. Your gift will: Enable us to safeguard the future of the museum by helping to make options available to expand our existing premises in Higginson Park or choose other premises in Marlow better suited to display a larger range of Marlow’s heritage and enable more visitors to enjoy it. Ensure the integrity and quality of our collection and display more of it in an attractive and spacious environment. Increase public engagement with the museum through talks, exhibitions, events and the greater use of new technology. Inspire the next generation of our local schoolchildren via our outreach programmes across both primary and secondary schools. Allow us to liaise and contribute much more to consultations and discussions within the wider museum community and with local forums. We promise that every gift will be safeguarded and used only for museum development in connection with our aims as stated above. No gift will be spent on running expenses or day to day expenditure.
How to Leave a Donation in Your Will
By writing a will, you can be sure that your family and friends are provided for in the future as well as your favourite charities. If you would like to make a gift to Marlow Museum, you can choose to leave either a share of the residue of your estate (a residuary gift) or a fixed sum (a bequest). Your solicitor or professional adviser may find the following wording helpful: I/We give all/a share of (state fraction or percentage) the residue of my/our estate or the sum of (state amount in figures or words) to Marlow Museum Centre Project, Pound Lane, Marlow SL7 2AE. Registered Charity Number: 1129346, to be applied to the development fund of the museum, and I/we direct that the receipt from a proper member of the museum executive committee shall be a complete discharge to my/our executor(s).
Gift in Memory and Celebration
Donations in memory are a wonderful way to celebrate a loved one’s life. If you or a loved one has a real interest in local history and the heritage of our wonderful town, a gift may be a unique and meaningful way to honour their life and support our work for future generations. You can also make a gift in celebration, to mark a big birthday or anniversary. All gifts will be recorded and publicly recognised in some way in the museum and/or in our activities, unless the donor prefers anonymity.
Reduce Your Inheritance Tax
Did you know that gifts to charities are exempt from inheritance tax, which means that leaving a gift to Marlow Museum may reduce your tax liability. Everyone’s tax situation is different and we strongly recommend that you seek advice from your financial or legal adviser.